Premio Architettura Toscana — Second Edition 2019
art direction, brand identity, editorial, exhibitPremio Architettura Toscana — Second Edition 2019

PAT (Premio Architettura Toscana) is a competition about contemporary architecture in Tuscany.
After the first edition, we had the pleasure to design also the second edition visual identity.
Starting from the basic shapes, we designed a new series of letters inspired by first edition winners.
Using elements taken from both technical drawings and photographs, we let the identity grow together with the competition itself.
If PAT represents the best from architecture in Tuscany, then its actually made by the best from year to year.

Articles, contributes and awarded architectures organized by category:
— Opera prima (First work)
— Allestimento e interni (Interior)
— Nuova Costruzione (New building)
— Restauro e recupero (Restoration and recovery)
— Spazi pubblici, paesaggio e rigenerazione (Public spaces and landscapes)

Concrete awards and plates given to the competition winners.

at Palazzina del Reale,
30 May — 23 June 2019
New wood racks were specifically designed for this brand new edition.