
Joeuts à Jouer — Oggetti nella foresta

art direction, editorial, exhibit

Joeuts à Jouer — Oggetti nella foresta

Joeuts à Jouer — Oggetti nella foresta

With the current international focus on Radical Design, or Contro Design, the Centro Studi Poltronova presented a historical exhibition at the Italian Cultural Institute in Brussels as part of September Design 2018. The exhibition brings together, for the first time, a series of iconic objects designed between the late 1960s and early 1970s, when Ettore Sottsass was the company’s art director, and that are all still produced by Poltronova.
The goal of the exhibition is to communicate the extraordinary vitality and irreverence that distinguished these design projects at the time of their conception — a vitality and irreverence that live on even today.

13 Septembre — 13 Octobre 2018
@ Istituto Italiano di Cultura


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The exhibition aesthetically echoes the series of paintings in Alberto Savinio’s “transparent cities,” communicates the colourful, explosive vitality of those years, suggesting that it is still possible to be in sync with these designs even today.


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